New Learning Material for This Year - What I'm Working On

This past year, I created over 200 new videos for the school. This year will be the same, but with brand new topics & content.

Here are some of the courses I'll be building, along with many other new videos.

I'll also continue to create new videos for the current courses.

NEW COURSES FOR THIS YEAR (In the Order I'm Working on Them)

  1. RAW Photo Editing Black Belt Course
  2. Waterfall Photography Masterclass (Shoot & Edit)
  3. Photo Editing Black Belt II Course
  4. Composition Black Belt II Course
  5. Camera Technique Blackbelt Course
  6. Photo Sharpening Black Belt Course
  7. Mountain Photography Masterclass (Shoot & Edit)
  8. Update Level 2 & Level 4 Photo Editing Courses with Updated Techniques